In memory of the victims of Kristallnacht 

On November 9, 1938, today 84 years ago, 4-year-old Tirza in Gailingen (Germany) watched the synagogue set on fire, her father beaten by the SS in front of her eyes, and then taken away to Dachau concentration camp. Her father, Mordechai (Markus) Bohrer, was a popular rabbi in Gailingen who had an open ear for everyone. He died in December 1938 as a result of the violence and imprisonment in the Dachau concentration camp. Tirza HaLivni (née Bohrer) does remember November 9, 1938 vividly unto this day. Today she lives in Ramat HaSharon in Israel.

Tirza is not only a good friend of the March of Life movement, but also a regular speaker in Memories Alive meetings.

She is the best example for us to honor the memory, to bring reconciliation and by that going into the future with hope.

Tirza Halivni together with March of Life staff member Petra Hennig

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