The March of Life – keep moving!

Dear Friends,

A virus is turning the entire world upside down. Nothing stays the same. During the past three weeks, measures to slow down the spread of the coronavirus have intensified: schools have been closed and people are ordered to stay at home and keep social contacts to a minimum.

We as March of Life are also affected by the global crisis and the resulting restrictions in almost every country. In this situation it is hardly possible to carry out Marches of Life. Initially, Marches had been planned around the time of the Jewish Holocaust Memorial Day Yom haShoah on April 21, 2020 in many cities in Germany, Finland, Switzerland, USA, Poland, Hungary, England, Wales and Northern Ireland, Colombia, the Dominican Republic and other nations.

We want to encourage the organizers to postpone their Marches of Life and related events they had planned originally to a later date in autumn 2020.

However, we will have to wait for further developments to be able to start planning again, and we will update you about the new dates of the Marches as soon as we know more.

And what about the March of the Nations 2020? Just as it is all over the world, it is virtually impossible for foreigners to enter Israel, and the country’s social life has been restricted to the bare minimum. For this reason, we regret to say that it will not be possible for the March of the Nations to take place as planned so far, but it will be postponed probably to the week of May 10-15, 2021. During the next few days, all those who had already registered for the March will receive direct information about the refund of tickets.

We are currently experiencing how important it is especially in times of crisis to raise one’s voice for Israel and against antisemitism. Conspiracy theories that want to blame the Jews and Israel for the corona virus are sprouting like poisonous mushrooms from the ground. We must not miss this moment!

Unfortunately, we cannot hold any Marches of Life at the moment. Therefore we are all the more determined to make use of the online opportunities to raise our voices together. We will be happy to keep you informed.

At this point, we would like to ask you for your support. With your donation, you can help us to continue our work. You can do this in a very practical way at the following link:

Thank you!

With kind regards,

the March of Life Team


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Donations via Bank Transfer

If you would like to make a donation for the March of Life in Germany, you can also transfer the amount to the following bank account:

Marsch des Lebens e.V.

IBAN: DE42 6415 0020 0001 8238 60


Kreissparkasse Tuebingen

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