Join Now and Set a Sign Against Antisemitism
This week marks the 84th anniversary of the Kristallnacht: On the night of November 9-10, 1938, synagogues were burned all across Germany, Jewish shops were vandalized, and many Jews mistreated, arrested and killed.
Like last year, the March of Life supports the “March of the Living” campaign #LetThereBeLight and we want to invite and encourage you to participate as well.
Let’s together on the night of November 9, 2022 set a sign of remembrance, but moreover a sign against antisemitism or hatred of Jews and racism in this time!
How does that work?
1. On the night of November 9, we leave the lights on in our church, public institution, or private house.
2. Everyone can leave a message of support (virtual statement) on the website of the “March of the Living”, preferably before November 9.
3. Share this invitation with friends, colleagues and family and ask them to join.
The previous #LetThereBeLight campaigns reached millions around the world, brought together over 700 houses of worship of all faiths and institutions from over 75 countries, and were featured in over 120 news media worldwide.