Jobst Bittner among the ‘Top 50 Christian Allies’

Jobst Bittner nominated among the ‚Top 50 most Christian Allies of Israel’ for the fifth time in a row

The founder and president of the March of Life movement, Jobst Bittner, has been nominated in 32nd place on the list of ‘Israel’s Top 50 Christian Allies’, which is published annually on Sukkot. Since 2020, nominees from politics, church, sport and culture have been honoured for their outstanding commitment to the Israeli state. According to the CAAC, the personalities on the list have been particularly vocal in their support for Israel since 7 October and have positioned themselves as the ‘most prominent defenders of Israel worldwide’. This year’s nominees include former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, US pastor Franklin Graham, President of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) Dr Jürgen Bühler and many more.

The complete list:

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