From swastika to Star of David – TV report on the March of Life

Shortly before the end of 2024, the renowned Israeli journalist Dov Gil-Har visited the TOS Church and Conference Center in Tübingen, where the March of Life is based. As part of the German premiere of the musical “Exodus 1947 – A Ship Makes History”, he interviewed the young actors of the musical, the international director Heinz Reuss, and the founder and president of the March of Life movement, Jobst Bittner. The interviews resulted in a 15-minute report that was broadcast on January 6 during the prime time evening news on Israel’s Channel 11. The short but impressive report explores the question of why descendants of Nazi perpetrators and Christians from Tübingen are coming to terms with their past and becoming supporters of Jewish life and Israel.

Original description from Channel 11:

“From Swastika to Star of David – How a Nazi Town Became Israel’s Biggest Supporter”
What led a community of Nazi descendants in a small German town to take responsibility for the actions of their ancestors? The community from which the murderers of seven hundred thousand Jews came decided to investigate the crimes of that generation and to dedicate its activities to the Jewish people – and to those who were kidnapped.

In response to the TV report, we have received countless comments, letters and emails from Israelis and Jews around the world expressing their gratitude for the work of the March of Life.

“Hi All, 
I am Israeli and tonight on our main TV news in Israel they had a documentary on your wonderful Church and how it supports Israel and Jews. I whatched this with tears in my eyes. Feeling that the majority of the world hate Jews and of course Israel, I see tour Church community giving so much love and empathy to our nation. No words are big enough to express my gratitude and appreciation for your support. May G-d bless you all.”

I saw the TV article about TOS church on Israeli TV and I just wanted to say thank you! I was moved to tears after seeing your support in Israel and Jewish community especially in these dark times were Jew hate is spreading around the world.  
It is good to know that there are still good people who are trying to spread the light.”

“I live in Israel.
The other day I watched  on the Israeli T.V. a reportage on your lovely village by our TV reporter in Europe Dov Gil Har.
It was so moving  to watch how your  young generation is leaning Our culture, our language wearing our magen David symbol and exposing our menorah.
All this, especially as a holocaust survivor myself, got me exited to tears.”

Here is the Channel 11 report with German and English subtitles:

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