Continental Organizer Meeting in South America

South American coordinators and organizers of March of Life (Marcha de La Vida) met for a continental Zoom meeting.


Various representatives from different nations took part, from the Dominican Republic to Argentina. Everyone had previously already organized Marches of Life but got to know each other for the first time under these conditions.

Together with Ruben Gutknecht, director of March of Life South America, and his deputy Ralf Steinmetz, 25 participants shared stories about the previous Day of Action (Reconciliation, Not Hate) that took place on 4th October. They were heavily limited due to severe Corona regulations and yet, the activities were an impressive signal for Jewish life and Israel.


Those in charge of March of Life South America took the opportunity to sharpen the vision and, at the same time, presented the goals, priorities, and appointments of the March of Life for the next half year.

Everyone was excited to be able to personally experience the continental dimensions of the March of Life movement and resolved to take to the streets of their cities in 2021 to set a sign for remembrance and reconciliation.

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