March of Life Conference 2022
From the Heart and on Foot: Remembering, Reconciling, Taking a Stand!
Thank you for your interest in the Online March of Life Conference from February 11-12, 2022. With this form you can register for the conference as an active participant or organizer. After registration, you will receive the access data by e-mail.
[contact-form-7 id=”12024″ title=”MDL Konferenz EN”]
Roma Ligocka (PL)
Holocaust survivor and author of "The Girl in the Red Coat"
CC BY-SA 3.0 | Mgieuka
Ruth Wasserman Lande
Knesset Member
Jobst Bittner
Founder and initiator of the March of Life
Heinz Reuss
International Director March of Life
Spende per Überweisung
Marsch des Lebens e.V.
IBAN: DE42 6415 0020 0001 8238 60
Kreissparkasse Tuebingen